
Discover the beauty of Fujifilm with a lens

Have you ever discovered jaw-dropping animal photos on Instagram or Reddit? Those pictures are especially motivating if you’re a photographer. However, we don’t always have access to such places where we could take pictures of the animals. So you could go to the zoo instead! Many photographers are often walking about with large lenses in case the animals do anything unusual. We have all the information you need here if you’re wondering how to shoot pictures of zoo animals that are worthy of posting on social media.

You may be wondering how to capture pictures of zoo animals that appear like those you’ve seen in publications or on the internet while you step away from your phone. What we had with us was:

X-Pro 3 from Fujifilm: It places the controls precisely where you need them and is lightweight and strong.
f3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD Tamron 18-300mm: This lens has an extraordinarily wide range, is image stabilized, and is weather-resistant. You may take pictures that seem like paintings one second and personal moments the next. You’re in for a treat when you combine this with the amazing features that set Fujifilm cameras apart! Even better, the price is really reasonable.


Zoo photography gives you the opportunity to get dynamic images that would be quite difficult to capture otherwise. When the weather is great, plenty of people do precisely that by going to the zoo. In light of this, Fujifilm lacks the AI for animal identification that other companies do. Instead, you’ll be operating rather antiquatedly!

Put the camera’s AF-C mode in place. This will guarantee that while it’s engaged, it constantly searches for attention.
Select the smallest zone setting for the focusing area. The smallest zone setting on the Fujifilm X Pro 3 has 9 focusing points. You are welcome to move it about or leave it in the middle and pan with the animals to create more interesting compositions.
Film simulations from Fujifilm: I usually go back and forth between Classic Chrome and Astia. Many of those old photographs were taken on Chrome film to get the hues they have.
Increase ISO. For capturing zoo animals, the Tamron 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD offers a very flexible range. And the light will inevitably shift. Start with ISO 1600 and think of it as a sport. You may need to ascend higher at times!
Priority for aperture. The animals won’t often be moving around much. If so, the higher ISO may be able to slow the action down.
both White Balance With the exposure preview disabled, the X Pro 3 and the Tamron 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD may swiftly autofocus. But if you turn off the exposure preview, it will go much quicker.
Boost option: The boost option on Fujifilm puts everything into overdrive. In particular, it will speed up the autofocus. If possible, bring additional batteries.

Once you’ve got your settings just right, the next step is to respond to the animals. There are certain fundamentals to think about first. Don’t undervalue the impact of vertical compositions, for instance. When you publish vertical photographs on social media, they take up more screen space. When you combine it with the rule of thirds, you’ll probably create a picture that people will look at for a long. Image stabilization on the Tamron 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD helps to mitigate the impact of camera shaking in this situation. Additionally, using the widest aperture possible while shooting is helpful.

Zoo photography blends elements of street photography, wildlife photography, and event photography. Having said that, I usually concentrate on a single region for a prolonged period of time and build my picture composition there. Then, after some time, I relocate them. Start with the rule of thirds’ top right intersection to accomplish this. In addition, if the rules aren’t working for you, violate them!


Animals and humans both experience more private times. The greatest photography advice I can provide is to really explore your own feelings while taking pictures of zoo animals. If you sense anything, take a picture of it. Keep watching and waiting if the sight in front of you isn’t evoking any strong emotions in you. Sometimes looking through the viewfinder makes it simpler to recognize these instances. And all of this may indicate that you will spend some time sitting there. The Tamron 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD is a lightweight lens, which is fortunate. And with to its incredible 16.6X zoom capability, you may carefully choose your composition.

Even though it seems absurd, I sometimes discover moments while looking through the lens that remind me of the greatest concert photography I’ve ever seen. I discovered back then that some of those finest moments occur when a band member is close to the audience. Every pixel is valuable for interactions.

Spend at least 10 minutes looking through the lens at any animals you find very intriguing. They sometimes engage in interesting behaviors like pausing to scratch, groom one another, stretch, and play. Here, patience is one of the most important lessons to acquire.

Some animals are photographed through glass, which might soften the images. However, for a superzoom lens, the Tamron 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD is very crisp. If you want to lessen the glare from the glass, you may apply a Circular Polarizer filter. In addition, the Fujifilm X Pro 3 features an internal clarity setting. You may even adopt the appearance from the movie simulation, share it on social media, and see what others think.

Zoo animal photography may be a lot of fun. Various weather conditions and times of day have an impact on how they behave. Some animals’ personalities are more apparent while they are being fed. I would advise getting in touch with your own feelings if someone were to ask me how to shoot pictures of zoo animals. Like humans, animals have feelings, but they usually express those feelings via body language. They may still put on a charming show for us even when we don’t comprehend them; all we have to do is pay attention to them. Enjoy your picture ops at the zoo!

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